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Local Accommodations

MPHC has partnered with both the Hampton Inn in Waterville and the Hampton Inn in Augusta to offer discounted rates at both locations for the event.


Hampton Inn - Waterville

6.6mi to MPHC


To make a reservation in Waterville:


Calling In: If guests would like to make reservations at Hampton Inn by Hilton Waterville, please call (207) 873-0400, choose the check-in/check-out date and ask to make a reservation at the “Maine Pond Hockey Corporate Rate” and our Front Desk Agents will be more than happy to assist your guests with their reservations.


Booking Online: If guests would like to book online at our Hampton Inn by Hilton Waterville, please click the link below, choose the check-in/check-out date, and that will bring you to our Hilton website and to the Maine Pond Hockey Corporate Rate!


Maine Pond Hockey Classic Booking Link @ Hampton Inn Waterville


Hampton Inn - Augusta

13.4mi to MPHC


To make a reservation in Augusta:


Calling In: If guests would like to make reservations at Hampton Inn by Hilton Augusta, please call (207) 622-4077, choose the check-in/check-out date and ask to make a reservation at the “Maine Pond Hockey Corporate Rate” and our Front Desk Agents will be more than happy to assist your guests with their reservations.


Booking Online: If guests would like to book online at our Hampton Inn by Hilton Augusta, please click the link below, choose the check-in/check-out date, and that will bring you to our Hilton website and to the Maine Pond Hockey Corporate Rate!


Maine Pond Hockey - Online Booking Link @ Hampton Inn Augusta


Questions? Please contact Chris Lothridge (207) 873-0400 or



Fireside Inn - Waterville

9.7mi to MPHC​





Senator Inn - Augusta

14.4mi to MPHC​



*Room block available* Two queen beds special. 


Click here for the Senator Maine Pond Hockey Rate


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